Friday 29 March 2013

Swearing - Big AND Clever

Went to the D&AD lecture on the future of the internet last night. To be frank, most of it was gibberish to me. Craig Oldham made up for the other three speakers though, with his usual mix of pithy insight and gale - force swearing. Memo to self; be more original.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Full Circle

Interesting evening. Various ex - students shared their wisdom concerning the world of work.
Things I learned;
- If someone says 'We can't pay you, but it will look really good in your portfolio', tell them to fuck off. They're just after a free job.
 - Get on Twitter.
- Keep learning. Even if it's about stuff you're not usually interested in.
- Back up everything onto a hard drive. Eventually your computer will fuck up.
- And watch Mad Men. (?)