Sunday 22 December 2013

Cathedrals of Steam

If you look across the Vale of York on a still, sunny day, you'll see something like this:

The three huge power stations of (right to left) Ferrybridge, Eggborough and Drax. The columns of steam  rising from the cooling towers are visible from 30 miles away. It's a magnificent sight. And even more impressive from close up.



and Ferrybridge;

Catch the view while you can, though: our fuck - witted government, kissing the arse of the EU and their stupid CO2 emissions policy, is forcing Ferrybridge to close in a couple of years. Along with a shitload of other power stations. And they haven't commissioned any replacements. So when you're freezing in the dark thanks to a power cut, don't curse; rejoice! because you're saving the planet! Brussels says so.
 And I'll bet there won't be any power cuts over there.

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