Saturday 8 August 2015

Tooling Up

To do printmaking the way I like to, you need a lot of stuff.
Some people are happy transferring the ink from lino block to paper by rubbing with a baren or a wooden spoon. But I've never been happy with the results, and it takes an age. So I'm going to need a press.
There are various tabletop presses on the market, but all but the very small ones are of the etching press type, where the block is dragged under a roller. I've used the one at College, and I'm not keen on that either. So, shall I buy an Albion or Columbia press?
There are disadvantages. Not least the price.
This is for a brand new one. So how about second hand?
Before the curse of Ebay, which enabled everyone to find out the value of everything, these things were going for scrap metal prices. Not any more. The only one I could find on Ebay today was this one...
Yours for £6500, guv.
And then there's the weight issue.
Never going to get that up the stairs. So, what to do?
Join Hot Bed Press, that's what.
Based in an old factory near Islington Mill in Salford, Hot Bed Press have three relief presses - two Albions and a Columbia, five etching presses and seven screen beds, along with tech support on tap. Anyone can join and gain access to this wealth of equipment and knowledge. They run frequent courses  - I joined a while ago and attended one on reduction linocut led by the brilliant Kevin Holdaway. I learned a huge amount over that weekend, producing this in the process.
So if you like getting your hands inky, but lack the money and/or space to tool yourself up, sign up now. It's well worth it.
Check them out HERE

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