Sunday 17 February 2013

Curiosity brief

Do you know what humour is? Easy! It' know......errr....shit!
Yeah, not as simple as it looks. The subject is too big to pin down - it's like asking 'what is the universe?'
I've been sweating over this question for weeks. Books on humour led to books on philosophy, and both were a fat lot of good. As far as I can see, humour is...what you make of it. It's unique to everyone. If one person laughs at something, then it's funny; the fact that no-one else in the world laughs, or that they disapprove, can't make it not funny. Much as they would like it to.
Anyway, experiment after experiment was abandoned. I got obsessed with doing it with a dip pen, which didn't work out. Some ideas had to go because they weren't doable, like A1 images of windows or stairwells. Eventually I passed the buck; you tell ME what humour is.

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