Friday 28 June 2013

Form versus Function - bad design

This is what a bunch of designers reckon a delivery bike should look like. Looks cool, eh? I must admit I was fooled at first. Then I got to the end of the article in Design Observer. Read it here. And read the comment at the bottom. What Peter van de Veer says is spot on. It needs a small front wheel for greater stability. No crossbar so the rider doesn't have to cock his leg over a rear - carried load. Upright riding position for greater comfort and safety. In other words, an updated version of this:, an old - fashioned butcher's bike. Ten a penny when I was a kid. Or this...
A dutch bike. Note the hefty stand folded up over thje rear mudguard; that daft kickstand on the cool bike would collapse under a heavy load.
The new bike's designers were more smitten with its cool looks than its functionality. And a moter too? With the battery hidden in the frame? Overcomplicated. Bad, bad, bad.

1 comment:

  1. It defeats the object of a bicycle.

    The whole point in having a bike is to ride and have exercise.

    If you want something with a motor than get a moped.
