Thursday 22 August 2013

My Shit Life so Far

  Frankie Boyle's autobiography is one of the funniest things I've ever read.
  Some of the booze - related anecdotes will have anyone who likes a pint thinking "Yep, been there, done that". Though not to the degree he did.
   He comes out as a decent human being, at odds with his brutal comedy persona. A short while ago he did a week's hunger strike in support of some guy banged up in Guantanamo.
    Some people - lots of people - get po-faced and outraged at his witticisms. He shouldn't make jokes about Jordan's baby, they say. Or about the Queen being so old her pussy is haunted. It's not funny taking the piss out of this, that, the other. What they mean is, it's not right. That doesn't make it not funny. If someone laughs, then it's funny. And the fact that they don't like it ain't gonna change that.

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