Friday 23 August 2013

Not as good as the book

   Has anyone ever seen a film and thought, "MUCH better than the book"?
   I haven't. Every film I've ever seen has failed. Some miserably.
   Dune, for example, took an all - time science fiction classic and utterly ruined it. Mainly by shooting twelve hours worth of footage - it's a very long book - and cutting it down to two hours. So it makes no sense. And then ending the film with rain? The whole point of Arrakis is that it can't bloody rain!
   There's not a whole lot wrong with the Lord of the Rings trilogy, I'll admit. If I'd never read it I'd probably love it. But it's not my personal vision of middle earth - you know, the vision you see when you read a brilliant book. And Tolkein made a point of never letting you see the Dark Lord - he was far too scary to describe. So what does Peter Jackson do? Lets you meet Sauron right at the beginning of the film. And he's not scary at all. So the creeping pall of horror that hangs over Mordor in the book is completely absent from the film. And don't get me started on that ludicrous eye...
   The Hobbit...I know we're only one film into a trilogy - but THREE HOURS LONG? My copy has 285 pages, as opposed to the Lord of the Rings' 1000-plus. So three films - that's milking it with a capital M.
    Judge Dredd. I haven't seen the new one, and I'm in no hurry to. The Stallone one...well, like LOTR it's not bad as a stand-alone, but the whole point of Dredd is YOU NEVER SEE HIS FACE!
   The Shining - the Jack Nicholson character was blown to bits in a boiler explosion, rather than tamely freezing to death.
    The Firm...the Tom Cruise character ran off with the money. The film had a lame, law-abiding ending.
    Schindler's List...the bit where Oskar started blubbing. The real Oskar wasn't like that.
    C'mon, movie buffs...prove me wrong.

1 comment:

  1. The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile were based on books, although I have never read them myself. I thought the films were great though.
