Tuesday 29 April 2014

PDP - Studio visits.

   We had an interesting day trawling around four of Manchester's graphic design studios. The plan is, one day we'll all be queuing up at their doors clutching our portfolios, earnestly seeking employment.
   Trouble is, I've never had any faith in the prospect of getting a 'proper' job. All other things being equal, the rampant  - and illegal - ageism in this country tell me that no-one is going to look past my advanced years - 55 by the time I graduate. But the experience of the day slightly altered my opinion.
   Patrick Harvey, a 'senior creative' at Love studios, talked at length about the portfolios, letters, emails etc. received from the likes of us. And the common denominator is? They are all EXACTLY THE SAME. Everyone says they 'make a great brew', in a hideously self-effacing way. It would appear that all graphic design students are stamped from the same mould.
   Except me, that is. I can do different. While my nuts-and-bolts skills aren't that hot, I can do the 'blue sky thinking' standing on my head. Hell, why only blue? Red sky thinking!
   Another eye opener was at Holden and Sons.They were the only ones who let us wander around the studio - though they didn't actually have much choice, it was so small - and I gravitated to Megan, their Social Media and Account manager.
   Megan was manipulating Twitter to boost the profile of one of their clients. Now I got a taste for social media campaigning with the Zines of Wonder exhibition. Plus, I've always wanted to be a cunning master of puppets, making the public dance as I pull the strings.
   So I can see myself getting work pushing a brand, raising it's profile - like Love did with Johnny Walker whisky - by manipulating public opinion.
   Someone else can do the actual graphic designing.

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