Monday 20 October 2014

The Best Camera IN THE WORLD!

   Anyone who has looked at my work will have noticed my propensity for using photographs. Well, why wouldn't you? A picture is worth a thousand words, as they used to say, and a photo is a picture you don't have to make yourself. It's just there, waiting for you to hunt it down. But you've got to have a decent camera.
   So, what sort of camera is best? Well, if you want technical details don't come me. Professional photographers have to lug around a massive, heavy bag containing thousands of pounds worth of equipment, whilst worrying that the next technological breakthrough will render the whole lot obsolete overnight. The likes of you and I, however, need keep only one criteria in mind: The best camera in the world is THE ONE YOU'VE GOT WITH YOU ALL THE TIME.
   We're not going to tote around a heavy, bulky article every day on the off chance of getting a decent shot. No, we need a decent phone camera. So that's why I bought a Nokia Lumia 1020.
   As a phone, it's a dog. The Windows operating system is terrible. You're stuck with inferior versions of Android apps, like Skydrive instead of Dropbox. But I'll put up with it for the sake of the powerful camera.
   No amount of technology will help if it's in the cupboard at home. You have to strike a balance between effectiveness and portability.
   When adverts started appearing for the first phone cameras, starring some goon having his picture taken with a relatively tattoo – free David Beckham, I thought "What the hell are you going to use one of those for?" Now the camera is the most – used ancillary programme on any phone I have. So I make sure it's a decent one.  

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