Saturday 14 September 2013

Art Deco window frames

   My partner's daughter has just moved into a 1920/30's flat in Didsbury. Art Deco a-go-go!

    What I really love about these buildings are the metal window and door frames. Very elegant.


   There's another type of metal window frame from that period that I love even more. Some houses with bay windows had curved panes of glass at the ends.

   See how the windows curve in towards the front door?
   A bloke who lived in one told me that the owners of the newly-built houses were given a form with a catalogue number. Should they break one of the curved panes, they had to contact Pilkingtons glass at St. Helens, who would then make them a new pane. Of course this cost about twenty times the price of a normal flat one. These windows have all but disappeared now, victims of the double-glazing salesman. But the road in Bramall where I took these shots has four houses still hanging on to them. Some people are prepared to sacrifice comfort for style. Hats off to them, I say.

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