Friday 6 September 2013

John Byrne

   Last night I watched 'What artists do all day?'. It's well worth a look. The star this week was John Byrne, a scottish artist I'd never heard of until then. He's a very industrious chap, putting in 12 to 15 hours a day painting, or at his other job of theatre set designer. He also wrote 'Tutti Frutti', a rather good tv drama from 1987 that set light to the careers of Robbie Coltrane and Emma Thompson.
    The odd thing about him, though, is that a lot of his output is made up of portraits of himself.
   Why on earth would he do that? And why are people queueing up to buy them?

    Then I had a go myself.

    Number one in a series of five million. Any buyers?

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