Thursday 27 March 2014

PDP - Deborah Wrigglesworth

   Deborah Wrigglesworth has spent a lifetime dealing with paper. She's obviously very enthusiastic about her work, and came prepared to instil us with the same degree of enthusiasm. Mind you, the prospect of free samples did a lot to guarantee a good turnout.
   We all got a thick pack of samples, and Debo talked us through them, one at a time. It's much easier to get a feel for paper weight when you're holding, say, a 100 gsm sheet in one hand and a 175 gsm sheet in the other. And good paper is lovely to hold. It's obviously addictive.

   Interesting to hear about the papermaking process, too. Sounds dull if you read about it, but Deborah had the enthusiasm to make the subject come alive. I'm keen to visit a paper mill to check it out for myself. Maybe a college trip next year? Deborah works for D S Smith, and they sound like good people, but both their mills are down south, way too far away.
   This lecture was extremely useful to me, given my attraction to the printmaking field. I've been unhappy with the way my linocuts come out - but where lies the problem? Could be the roller - so I've bought a decent one. Or is it the paper? I've always taken it off the shelf in the print room, and have no idea whether it's suitable or not. So I looked up suitably types, and went looking - but no joy, not in Manchester. Eventually I had to make a special trip to Intaglio Printmakers - lovely shop - in Southwark, to load up on samples. If it still isn't right, then it's my printing technique, or the ink.

 I was bitten by the paper bug on Tuesday. When I'm making my portfolio over Easter, I'll also be making a giant version to keep my paper stock in, where the cat can't sit on it.
   Oh yeah, sorry for calling her Helen.

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